Day 12- Online Work

May 19, 2023


Today has been filled with more online work. I drove home this morning and then sat down at my computer to get some more work done. I went back to the website to sort through the blurry photos. The process is this: I get a blurry photo. I write down the name on the google sheets that was listed on the website of the blurry photo. Then, I go onto Google and search for the brand and the name of the particular piece. This part is the hardest because I try to find the photo that is displaying the exact piece that I’m looking for. After finding an adequate photo, I take the link and place it in the google sheets. We are trying to keep the google sheets as organized and simple as possible with different columns and head footers. Finally, we add any notes that we think would be helpful for Tiffany. I did some research, looked through the shared photo album, and looked on other clothing boutique websites to get some ideas.

Total hours today: 5 hours

Total hours for the project: 73 hours


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