Day 1- Senior project begins!

Monday, May 8, 2023 


Today, Brooke and I took the train from Beverly to North Station. With eager anticipation, we walked to the boutique, Remy, to see what our first day would entail. We arrived at the boutique  around noon and met the owner, Remy, and the social media/marketing manager, Tiffany (who were the coolest!) Then, we learned about what goes on behind the scenes and got a sense of our schedule for the next few weeks. The plan was for Brooke and me to get content for new brands that had just entered the store. We walked around Boston in beautiful Oscar and Hevron pieces and got content that would be helpful in the marketing phase. We spent a total of 3 and a half hours at Remy and then spent an additional 2 hours back home researching brands and editing photos. It was such a great first day and we are so excited for the weeks to come!   


  1. This sounds like a full and productive first day! Can you share some photos along the way?


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